Our Supporters

Thank you for your encouragement, both materially and in spirit.

Our gratitude to these special donors

Dr. Berner’s mother inspired her to start Fenix ten years ago. Sheila Berner’s many friends and family honored her with support to Fenix to continue her legacy of social justice. These are the special donors who contributed to Fenix in her name.

Donna & Jeremy Baskin
Elizabeth & Jerome Berkelhamer
Bruce & Joan Berlin
Gier & Ted Bowen
Ann & Bob Braham
Meghan Browne
Janet M. Burke
Jessica Caracci
Peter Chan
Edward Y. C. Chun
Michael & Patricia Coleman
Richard Denning
Ann Derbes
George Douaire
Adrian & Deborah D’Silva

Peter Fazio
Marjorie Fitzsimons
William & Mary Goodrich
Michael Gosch
Judith Greenblatt
John & Jennifer Hayes
Beverly Hayford
Katherine Hazelwood
Hollis Hines
Mandy Holmberg
John Humphrey
John & Laura Kaufman
Ann & Emmerich Koller
Renee & Chuck Korth

Christopher Land
Traugott Lawler
Renee Lucier
John D. Mabie
Maura Anna McBreen
Todd McCarty
Brendan McDermott
Paul McGrath
William A. McIntosh
Jacqueline Melinger
Corinne Morrissey
Jennifer Morrissey
Thomas & Jacquelyn Morsch
Jean Nabhan
Catherine & James Nowacki

Elizabeth B. Peters
Samuel Pritzker
Henry Reynolds
John Reynolds
Mary Ellen Reynolds
Susan M. Ruder
Patricia W. Sanfilippo
Dieter & Elisa Schmitz
Shoshana Shapiro
Susan R. Sullivan
Nancy Tepper
University Of Notre Dame
Robert Walker
Younghee Kim Wait
Dan & Kit Wilson

Here are the people who share our vision


36 Foundation, Abbie Engagement Fund, AbbVie Employee Engagement Fund, Amazon, American Freedom Insurance Company, American Express, 312 Tudor Company, Andrew H and Martha Peterson Shaw Charitable Fund, Astella USA Foundation, Augustin Garcia Trust, Barbara Notz Hines Foundation, Berlin Fund, National Philanthropic Trust/ Eileen R. Heisman, Ceres Foundation, Charitable Giving Fund, Chicago Foundation for Women, Church the Redeemer Deacon Account, Dr. Scholl Foundation, Edward Bowen Charitable Fund, Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, First Bank Chicago Foundation, First Bank Of Highland Park Foundation, Friends For Health, Grace A Bersted Foundation, Grant Healthcare Foundation, Health Care Service Corporation (BCBS), Hester McCarthy, Sts. Faith Hope and Charity

Highland Park Community Foundation July 4th Shooting Response Fund, Highland Park High School Charitable Drive Silent Auction, Highland Presbyterian Church, Hospira Foundation, Illinois Association of Free & Charitable, Illinois Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics, Impact 100 Chicago NFP, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago, John & Betsy McLinden Foundation, John and Christine Peschier Giving Fund, Jonnatta Pearsall Family Fund, Julian Grace Foundation, Kroeger Foundation, Lake County, Mammel Foundation, Mautz Foundation, MONERIS, Moraine Township, Network for Good, North Shore Exchange NFP, North Shore University HealthSystem, Northwestern Memorial Healthcare, Peter and Penelope West Charitable Fund, Peter Carney Management, Philip Fess Family Foundation, Phyllis & Henry Cretors Foundation, Rob and Libby Berner – The Chicago Community Foundation, Robert and Susan Star Foundation

Rotary Club of Highland Park Highwood, Schreiber Philanthropy Fund, Segal Foundation, Sheila Berner Foundation, Sostento, Susan R. and John W. Sullivan Foundation, The Benevity Community Impact Fund, The Blackbaud Giving Fund, The Blowitz -Ridgeway Foundation, The Bradley A. Anderson Charitable Fund, The Chicago Community Foundation, The Egerter Family Foundation, The Grainger Foundation, The Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park, The John A. Hartford Foundation, The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation, The Josselyn Center, The Northfield Community Church St. Peter Legacy in Mission Fund, The Trillium Foundation, The Anti-Hunger Donor Advised Fund, The Pridmore Family Fund, Thomas Morsch Living Trust, The University of Notre Dame, UW Metro Chicago, VIVO Foundation, VNA Foundation and the Visiting, West Deerfield Township (Alyson M. Feiger), Weston Foundation Wellness Program, William Blair & Company Foundation, Winnetka Congregational Church Fund


Wendy & Jim Abrams
Billy & Marcy Abt
Elsa Aguilera
Anna Airey
Ellen & Michael Alter
Maria Angelov
George & Kerry Arnold
Denia Arreola
Cathy Askeland
Anna Backer
Julie & Carl Backer
Robert Baizer
Hilary A. Balderas
John F. & Linda W. Ball
Ronald B. & Karin G. Balsbaugh
Lucy & Jim Barnes
Donna & Jeremy Baskin
Elinor Bayliss
Jennifer Berggren
Ethan Berghoff
Linda & David Bergonia
Elizabeth & Jerome Berkelhamer
Eileen Berkson
Ann & Arnie Berlin
Bruce & Joan Berlin
Mary G. Berner
Sheila & Robert Berner
Steven Bettwy
Amy Bishop
Mary Kay & Jim Bissing
Matthew Blank
Lee Blum
Joseph Bondi
Craig Bondy
Kandee Bondy
Parker Bondy
Clare C. & Thomas M. Borah
Matthew J. & Christine C. Botica
Bruce L. Bower
Christine Bradford
Cindy & Terry Brady
Roberto & Anna Braham
William A. & Patrice Brandt
Terrence R. & Cynthia A. Brandy
Estelle Brashears
Libby Brombach
Elisabeth Brookover
Thomas P. & Mary Douglass Brown
Meghan Browne
Kathleen Broykes
Janet M. Burke
Julia L. Yen & Robert W. Burton
Jessica Caracci
Marina & Peter Carney
Michael & Elizabeth Carothers
Rachel Hines & Michael Cembalest
Kenneth K. & Georganne A. Chalmers
Peter Chan
Edward C. Chun
Klemens Chusin
Jane Richman & Marvin Cohen
Judy Cole
Michael L. & Patricia W. Coleman
Jane Colman
Caroline & John Compall
Dana Corral
J. Patrick & Arlen H. Craddock
Stephen C. & Elizabeth J. Crawford
Anita & Tom Croghan
Theresa & John Croghan
Pat & Patty Crowley
Lucy Culp
Sally & Robert Cunningham
Anne Curti
Adrian B. & Deborah D’Silva
Eduardo Danino
Alex & Wilma DeBartolo
Mike DeBartolo
Richard & Bonnie Denning
Catherine Denny
Anne Derbes
John Dimick
Alice A. Fenner & Jerome F. Dixon
Katherine Donnelly
Joseph & Paige Dooley
George Douaire
Nancy & Bill Doyle
Steve Dry
Kim & Rick Dsida
Thomas Duffy
Edmund W. Dumke
Camila Durbin
Lois Dyner
Dean Egerter
Rona & Bruce Elder
Robert Ervin
Frederic Ettner
Peter Fazio
Howard Feldman


Joseph F. Feldman
Terri Feldman
Mary Fields
Barbara & Tom Filippini
Marjorie Fitzsimons
Linda Fix
Mary Fleischer
Jonathan Fleisher
Kathleen & Daniel Foley
Martha & Bill Forsyth
Autumn Fragner
Lesa Friedrich
Sue Frost
Martha Furst
Patricia S. & Thomas L. Gahlon
Victoria B. & John D. Galbraith
Maura C. Berckelhamer & Richard E. Geye
Joyce Gibbs
William V. & Carolyn M. Glastris
Christina Glick
Diane & John F. Golan
W. Goldberger
Rodney L. & Keith Kiley Goldstein
Julian Good
William D. & Mary H. Goodrich
Richard & Bonnie Gordon
Susan & Benjamin Goren
Barbara S. Gorham
Michael Gosh
Annemarie Granm
Judith Greenblatt
Suzanne Grimes
David Hackett
Carolyn Haddad
Amy & Mark Haggarty
Donald & Patricia Haider
Genevieve Hambleton
Marguerite Hark
Michel Hauser
Shannon Hayden
John C. & Jennifer A. Hayes
Beverly S. & Warren J. Hayford
John Hazelwood
Katherine A. Hazelwood
Brice & Terri Heath
Hewitt Heiserman
Joseph & Laura Henzlik
Amy Herzog
Suzy & Andy Hick
Mary Brower Hickey
Theresa Hickman
Beth E. & Jeffrey Hillebrand
Erin & Matt Hines
Hollis Hines
Kyle Hodgkin
Josh Holleb
Louise Berner Holmberg
Mary Ann Holmberg
Thomas Holmberg
Elizabeth Hope
Colleen C. Detjen & Matthew Hopkins
Frances & Ken Hopps
Kelly & Bob Horne
Patricia & Bob Horne
Peter D. & Patricia C. Horne
Joanna Browne & Joshua Hoyt
John Humphrey
John & Lisa Iberle
Hope & Tom Reynolds III
Jim Murphy III
Martha & Leo Sheridan III
Paige J. & Joe Dooley III
Michael Joyce IV
Frederic R. Klein & Frieda P. Jacobs Joyce
Steven M. & Elaine P. Jaharis
Edgar Jannotta
Erika Pearsall & Ned Jannotta
Jeffrey & Jody Johnson
Paul & Sandy Johnson
Remy Johnson
Joan & Milo Jones
Margaret Jones
Liane Joseph
John Joyce
Jon R. Lind, Jr.
Susan & Mitchell Kaplan
John & Laura Kaufman
James Cowie & Kathleen M. Keegan
Thomas Keene
Frank Kelli
Karen Wehman Kennedy
Mr. Christopher G. & Ms. Sheila B. Kennedy
Lindsey Kenny
Leslie Graham & Louis Kenter
Mary Kerger
Holly Kerr
Ellen Kerrigan
Ranjana Khipple Khan
John Kilgo
Daniel Kipp


Peggy Kocian
Lizabeth Kohler
Pat & Martin Koldyke
Ann & Emmerich Koller
Emmerich & Deborah Koller
Charles & Renae Korth
Charles Kralovec
Philip & Dale Krone
April Krydynski
William Kucera
Beth & Mark Kurensky
Elizabeth Lamotte
Kathleen & Tom Lanctot
Carl S. & Elizabeth R. Lane
Ellen & Bobbie Largay
Traugott Lawler
Suzanne Lawrence
John Lazzaretto
Tess Lehrman
M. James & Margaret L. Leider
Mindy Leshin
Daniel Levenson
Mary Lewis
Pamela Lewitzke
Jon Lind
Jeffrey & Deborah Linder
Bruce S. & Laura M. Linger
Jodi Loeb
David Loveland
Janet & Andrew Lubetkin
Martin Lucenti
Renee Lucier
Macario & Tracy Lullo
Ernest Macvicar & Janice Mabie
Martha & John Mabie
John Madden
Susan & Bob Marren
Sandford Mason
Maura Ann McBreen
Todd McCarty
Nancy Davis & Stuart McCrary
Karen McCurdy
Mary McCurdy
Patsy McCurdy
Brendan McDermott
Peter & Mary O. McDonnell
Paul McGrath
William A. McIntosh
Jennifer Sanford McKay
Andrew J. & Joan P. McKenna
Laura C. & William J. McKenna
Molly & Bill McKenna
Bradford L. & Dede McLane
Carlette McMullan
Christopher J. & Margaret M. McNulty
Jacqueline Melinger
Mark & Diane Melio
Peter & Susan Mesrobian
Jeffrey Michael
Martha Michael
Melanie Michael
Carol & Maurice Miller
Stanton Miller
Anne Milling
Liora Mizel
Corinne Morrissey
Jennifer Morrissey
Thomas E. & Kathleen R. Morsch
Laura & Rian Mullin
Melinda Munson
Christine & David Murdoch
E. Dennis & Anne E. Murphy
James D. & Julia O’Donnell Murphy
Karyn Murphy
Dorothy M. & David F. Myers
Jean Nabhan
Betsy Nathan
Celia Nelson
Martin J. Newman
F. Oliver Nicklin
Janet M. & Joseph P. Nolan
Joseph P. & Janet Nolan
Catherine H. & James N. Nowacki
Barbara Nutz Hines
Jim & Darlene O’Brien
Rochelle O’Hara
Blair E. O’Neill
Nancy & David O’Neill
Thomas E. & Missy O’Neill
Gwen Oelerich
Stephanie & Michael Oettinger
Caroline Oser
Vicki Otis
Nam & Lelaine Paik
John S. & Kathryn J. Palmer
Katie P. & John Palmer
Suzanne & Michael Parks
Carolyn & John Parmer
Cristina Persico
Erik & Elizabeth Peters


Patricia Pickard
Fran Pine
Fancy Cooper & Ilana Plantt
Priscilla L. McGraw & Michelle L. Plasz
Bettyann Pober
Michael Pomeroy
King & Hope Poor
Carolyn Potter
Mary Powell
Anne O’Brien Prager & Jordan M. Prager
Nancy Pred
Samuel Pritzker
Mary Jane & Bill Proctor
Katharine Racine
Carole R. & Edwill L. Read
Margo McCoy & Luke Reese
Kim Reich
Meg & Michael Revord
Henry Reynolds
John Reynolds
Mary Ellen Reynolds
Mary Reynolds
Sherman Reynolds
Suzanne Reynolds
Thomas Reynolds
Lisa Riley
Gina Ringelberg
Tom & Donna Ritter
Rachel Rivard
Megan Roberts
Karen Roenisch
Pamela Rosenberg
Sheila Rosenberg
Deborah & Jeffrey S. Ross
Susan Ruder
Abby Rudman
Mary & Bob Rudnik
Ann & Steven Ryan
Lisa Ryan
Linda G. & Allen S. Welch
Pamela San
Patricia Sanfilippo
Jessica P. & Steven I. Sarowitz
Craig & Mary Michelle Scalise
Dianne Schmidt
Dieter A. & Elisa A. Schmitz
Robert Schoder
Dr. Jennie Schott
Brad & Susan Schulman
Virginia Schulte
Laura & Eric Schulz
Susan Seltzer
Joseph Senese
Emilie Seweloh
Christine Shamberg
Franklin Shanna
Mary Shannon
Shoshana Shapiro
Charles H. & Roberta B. Shaw
Ilene & Michael Shaw
Marty & Andy Shaw
Francis Sheahen
Brenda Sheridan
Susan Sigel
Penny Silverman
Amy Small
Norton Small
Carrie & John Smart
Margaret & Mark Stephan
Joyce Stevens
Angelica Sturm
Jamie Sullivan
Larry & Katie Sullivan
Doug & Patti Sutton
Ginny & Barry Tamblyn
Kaari Taylor
Nancy Tepper
Sophie Varones
J.K. Wait
Margaret Wales
Robert Walker
Todd & Elizabeth Warnock
Jennifer & Allen Weaver
Midge Wegener
Nora S. & Nicholas J. Weir
Linda & Allen Welch
Betsy Westhoff
Elizabeth Westhoff
Alexandra Whitney
Carolyn Wiggins
Jeffrey L. & Marchell Willian
Kirsten & Dan Wilson
Pamela Wilson
Cynthia Wolfson
Michael Wolfson
Alain & Barbara Wood-Prince
Carla D. & Bill J. Young
Leslie Jones & Paul Zeller
Terry Foltz & Robert G. Zengeler
Dea Zimmerman
David Rosen & Amy Zisook